Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rodger Wireless: Some Deceit by Concealment

As we have previously stated, we prefer to examine the manufacturer's website for what they say and explain about their bedwetting alarm. Rodger's home site is very incomplete. Although they explain the essence of their alarms, most of the physical details (size, weight) are missing. As are clear statements about what they provide and the performance of their system. For example, Rodger mentions that their receiver can use 2 AA batteries. Are these batteries provided?
Deceit by Concealment.

This Rodger site is extra-ordinarily brief. There are many unanswered questions in our mind, and we must give their site a poor rating because of the lack of information. We must give them credit for not making extravagant or extraordinary claims, which is a plus when compared to the self-inflation of some of the other bedwetting alarm manufacturers.
Deceit by Concealment.

Because of the unusually brief nature of Rodger's web site, we are taking an exceptional liberty of looking at the site of their major reseller in the U.S. at   

This site fills in many details that the Rodger site does not mention.

The site states that "A second receiver is especially important for larger homes or if your child sleeps on a different floor." Another statement that "The maximum range of the system is approximately 75 feet" suggests that the receivers are purely receivers, and do not have the ability to retransmit the signal to extend the transmission range of the alarm. So all receivers must be within this specified range of the transmitter. Please make this clear. Deceit by concealment.

The question raised earlier about whether the two AA batteries are provided is still unclear. Deceit by Concealment.

Another statement "Regular underwear/briefs are not required" suggests that regular underwear could be used. This is not so. This alarm works only with the special wired briefs. Why not explicitly state this? Deceit by Concealment.

We recognize that the loudness of the receiver's alarm sound varies with distance from the ear. As this receiver is commonly plugged into a wall electric socket, users should be interested in the loudness at some sample distances. This is deceit by concealment.

Again, we are glad that this site abstains from typical advertising hype or making claims that this is the "Best" alarm. Thank you. Overall, we appreciate the information and its completeness in the second site.

To truly compare Malem with all relevant competitors in today’s marketplace, look at . This is the most comprehensive set of data and facts about bedwetting alarms that we have seen. Malem does not fare well. This explains why Malem and the Bedwetting Store resort to deceit and propaganda to promote the Malem bedwetting alarm!

The Bedwetting Store is the only seller who advertises and continues to sell the Malem Bedwetting Alarm. All other sellers have either realized the truth about the Malem Bedwetting Alarm or have abandoned it, but the Bedwetting Store continues its deceit.
Malem(TM) and the Bedwetting Store have a very large number of entries about their deceit in this blog. There are so many more entries and much more serious bad activities attributable to Malem and the Bedwetting Store, so that Malem and the Bedwetting Store have significantly more entries than all other manufacturers combined. You can read all of the Malem and Bedwetting Store deceit entries on this blog.

Malem and the Bedwetting Store have also been given a 0-stars blog of their own so that its many examples of deceit can stand out by themselves. The Malem Alarm and Bedwetting Store blog is at

Rodger Wireless: Some Deceit by Concealment

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